Thursday, May 3, 2007

Science, Consciousness and Swami Vivekananda

"Video about Swami Vivekananda's teachings about science, consciousness and teachings. Shows the stance of Vedas on these scientific subjects"


Note the error at the beginning in ascribing Sept 11, 2001
attack to religious fanaticism when it was really motivated
by the greed for power and money on the part of the oilmen,
the real estate developer, the PNAC and neocon, one-world-
police-state crowd that planned and carried it out.
After this error in the first few seconds, the video becomes

Also be aware of the underlying danger of assuming that Vedanta
"oneness" in any way whatsoever validates the idea of a one world
temporal government. The first is a spiritual truth, the latter is a
demonic illusion.

Focus always on the eternal, not the temporal.

1 comment:

  1. great post. you can read some quotes by swami vivekananda at and what he has to say about the vedanta’s message at
