Sunday, April 15, 2007

An Outline of Yoga

There are many different schools of yoga.
I don't know these people but from the
concise outline presented here, their approach
appears representative of traditional approaches.

From KriyaYogaAshram Kenneth Toy (Swami Jayananda) defines Kriya Yoga.

The voice of reason on 9/11

The voice of reason on 9/11

Dr. Kevin Barrett

Segments are 5 to 8 minutes long

Dick Cheney | David Rockefeller | The CFR Elite

Some people still aren't aware of who's doing what to them:

Dick Cheney | David Rockefeller | The CFR Elite

9min 21sec

Human Computation

A bright lecture about humans and computers, and some very purposeful
online computer games.

Google engEDU
51 min 31 sec

Building 7, Building 7, Building 7, Building 7, Building 7

10 minutes

7 minutes 15 seconds

Note: some say youtube is censoring this clip by not
according it the honors due it based on the number of
views and comments. Clips accorded the honors in question
are subsequently viewed by more people because of the
honors. Story Here

Humor: Robert Newman: History of oil

Comedic presentation of a serious topic

Robert Newman History of oil
45 min

Illuminati and New World Order

Illuminati and New World Order

Pink Floyd
Another Brink in the Wall

From Moviemaker911
5min 44 sec

Lomi Lomi Massage

Stickyweb Productions
3 min 32 sec

How Big?

How big is the universe?

From mxuniverse
2min 21sec

From Moorfo
1min 34sec
From ottoman830
3min 35sec
From angloquebecer
From viralpatel79
9min 38sec

Johnny Cash - Hurt

Johnny Cash - Hurt

Ancient Himalayan Earth Peace Meditation#1-Yogiraj Siddhanth

Meditation, Pranayama, AUM, Mantra, Moon, Peace
8 minutes

Ancient Himalayan Earth Peace Meditation#1-Yogiraj Siddhanth

Declaration of self-ownership

A statement of anarcho-capitalism. A philosophical understanding or
spiritual experience of "oneness" does not any way validate capitulation
of individual responsibility to any temporal group.

Declaration of self-ownership

by Nielsio
2.5 minutes

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Brotherhood of Darkness

This hour and 43 minute lecture by Dr. Stanley Monteith is one of the best surveys of the
elements of the One World Government. One can disagree with his narrow Christian Biblical
interpretation of the forces of evil and his neglect and ignorance of good non-Christian spirituality. No one man can see the whole picture, and the partial picture Dr. Monteith presents
is large, sweeping, and useful, and can contribute to an even larger transcendental understanding of the organization of temporal power, or evil, on the dualistic world plane.

The Brotherhood of Darkness

Friday, April 13, 2007

What is yoga? Swami Sridharananda on the first four sutras of Patanjali.

In seven segments of about 10 minutes each
Swami Sridharananda introduces the foundation
of the teachings of Patanjali through a discussion
of the first four sutras.

Very, very rich. Requires intense concentration.
Introduces several Sanskrit words, phrases, concepts.

In only 196 sutras, or sentences, Patanjali revealed
the essential spring from which the waters of all
metaphysical thought flows. As Swami Sridharananda
points out, Patanjali did not originate these words and
concepts, rather he was raised in communion or yoga
or divine inspiration with the Author.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Who Killed John O'Neill?

Astounding performance. One man personifies the schizoid US population.

Who Killed John O'Neill?

"One Actor, One Room, Seven Characters: 9/11.

Traumatized by the September 11th attacks, one man struggles to dismantle official history,
all » at the expense of his sanity and even his life. Grappling with multiple realities - and multiple personalities - he must retreat into his mind in pursuit of the truth. In a fictional film about non-fictional events, there is a place where belief and faith will blind you, where nothing is sacred, and to get there all you have to do is ask:

"Who Killed John O'Neill?"

a dead art film by ty rauber and ryan thurston «"
4.5 google stars. 1hour 40 minutes.

Russian Climbing

Vitality in desolation. It is only 8 minutes.
Are these guys still alive? and unbroken?

5 google stars, almost 12 million views!


Hans Rosling debunks myths about developing world

Dynamic graphs grab your attention
"With the drama and urgency of a sportscaster, Hans Rosling debunks a few myths about the "developing" world. Rosling is professor of international health at Sweden's world-renowned Karolinska Institute, and founder of Gapminder, a non-profit that brings vital global data to life. (Recorded February 2006 in Monterey, CA. Duration: 20:35) - More TEDTalks at"

Monday, April 9, 2007

Martin Luther King MLK Assasination

"25 min 47 sec - Jan 22, 2007
Average rating: (8 ratings)
Description: An interview with research author Jim DiEugenio on the assassination of Martin Luther King. The discussion covers the politics and politicians associated with his life and untimely death, including J. Edgar Hoover, Malcom X, JFK, RFK, Judge Joe Brown, Loyd Jowers, the King family and Lyndon B. Johnson. The 1997 trial of James Earl Ray is also discussed, which found that the assassination was at least in part contributed to by the CIA, the Pentagon and the Mafia."

This is an interview with Jim DiEugenio, co-author of The Assassinations: Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK, and Malcolm X .

Book is available at