Saturday, November 21, 2009

Real ID

Friday, November 13, 2009

Ron Paul Economy Commodity Standard

Scroll down to see video at bottom.

Some key ideas to think about:

Commodity Standard
Federal Reserve Bubbles
FED Policy Causes Bank Runs The FED was designed to milk the peoples economy for the power elite.
Deposit Insurance
Private Insurance
Guaranteed Failures (Too big to fail, too big to jail, too big to give a hoot about you. )
Gold Standard (careful, a good idea but not good enough, think commodity standard)
Mal-investment (The FED distorts investment decisions)
Moral Hazard
Lender of Last Resort (there shouldn't be one)
Artificial Interest Rates
Sacred Cows (Federal Reserve Bank)
Legal Tender
Fractional Reserve Banking (Fraud, A Ponzi scheme)
Fractional Reserve Lending (A Fraud, A Ponzi scheme, the well positioned and insiders get the advantage of money out of thin air when prices are still low,
the rest of us get higher prices which we have to pay for with money earned by our
own blood sweat and tears)
Plunge Protection Team Who are these guys, whom do they serve? Hint: not you.

Scroll down to see video at bottom

Friday, November 6, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009